Relationship Marketing
How do you determine the level of your customer satisfaction with your organization? Are you generating strong customer relationships profitably? Do you seize the potential of social media to improve customer relationships?
The aim of Relationship marketing is to build satisfying, interactive, profitable, and prolonged relationships with your customers. At THINK&SELL we evaluate your customers’ behavior, design strategies, and implement actions to promote positive interactions with them and offer them unforgettable experiences that clearly differentiate your organization from your competitors, and encourage loyalty between your customers and your brand.
Thanks to technological advances and the wide acceptance and use of social media, nowadays it is possible to have massively customized relationships and to improve personalized relationships with your best customers.
Given that today it is five times more expensive to attract a new customer than retaining an existing one, Relationship marketing works as a logical basis for any successful loyalty strategy. Consequently, at THINK&SELL we believe that in order to build strong emotional connections with your customers, relationship marketing must depend on the continuous communication with them through the most effective media and the appropriate people for each segment.
THINK&SELL helps you to evaluate the relational potential of your organization with your different customer groups, and define, design, develop, implement and manage relationship marketing strategies that are effective, profitable, measurable, and appropriate to the specific needs of each of your segments and / or individual customers more valuable.