Place Branding
Having a successful brand has become a key asset for any place, either a country, city, town, or even a neighborhood. The most successful brands of places are based on moods, on present realities that first are conceptualized and then promoted.
Competition between places (countries, cities, towns, villages …) to attract investment, tourism, talent, events, sport competitions and all kinds of activities whose realization is positive for local development is becoming more pronounced, in a global environment with huge supply and limited demand. In order to attract the desired people and resources, the place must have clear, notable and distinctive characteristics easily identifiable. They have to add value, but avoiding simplifications that dilute the heritage and the authenticity of the place.
Currently, a brand competes as any other brand to occupy a notable and differentiated position in people minds. Therefore, it is necessary to create a central, clear and simple idea that makes easier to link a set of desired attributes with the place in question, turning the place into something different and immediately recognizable.
The whole program will be developed step by step from this central idea that the brand will be based on.
A Place Branding program aiming to create a competitive place brand helps to:
- Stand out from other destinations with the same or similar characteristics.
- Attract investment, business and talent.
- Promote tourism.
- Improve public diplomacy.
- Support interests of export industries.
- Change negative or false stereotypes associated with the place.
- Strengthen and consolidate national or local identity and citizenship’s sense of belonging.
At THINK&SELL we help our customers to get the spirit of a time and place through the creation of clear, simple, important and distinctive proposals. We visually and verbally symbolize them without forgetting the other senses that we promote through touchpoints, that allow it and are more suitable for its place brand.