Standardized Management Systems
A management system is a set of rules and principles related to each other in an orderly manner, in order to contribute to the management of general and specific organization processes. It allows establishing policy, goals and achieving those goals. A standardized management system is a system whose requirements are set out in sectoral, national, or international standards. Organizations of all types and sizes are using standardized management systems because of the many advantages gained from its operation.
31 years ago, the first version of the document or contract of requirements for systems of Quality Management was published, nowadays known as ISO 9001. ISO 9001 has evolved into its fourth version (1987, 1994, 2000 and 2008) adapting to users’ needs. The success of this standard model has led to its use in other areas of interest adapting its content to such areas. Thus, ISO 14001 arose for the Environmental Management Systems requirements, and similarly other standards for management systems have been developing and applying:
Quality (ISO 9001)
Today there are over one million companies in the world certified to ISO 9001 and a considerable number being prepared for it. This result is an unequivocal evidence of the benefits users have earned with its application in the field of development, products and services.
Currently, the application of this standard is a prerequisite for all organizations that wish to compete in all markets (domestic, international, sectorial, European, etc.).
Management principles set forth by this rule provide guidance for management activities of an organization in a systematic way and to ensure continuous improvement. Customer orientation is the primary principle and other principles emanate from it.
THINK&SELL helps its customers make implementations and continuous improvement of all processes especially in the field of information technologies organization and advises on the complementary use of other guidelines and rules applicable within the System of Quality Management:
- ISO / IEC 90003 Application of ISO 9001 to Software.
- ISO / IEC 90005 Application of ISO 9001 to systems.
- ISO 9004 Guidelines for Performance Improvement.
- ISO 10001 Guidelines for Organizations Conduct Codes.
- ISO 10002 Guidelines for the Complaints Management.
- ISO 10003 Guidelines for External Conflict Solution in Organizations.
- ISO 10006 Guidelines for Quality Management in Projects.
Information Security (ISO / IEC 27001)
The Safety Management is a need that acquires a strategic nature for the information protection and applies to all information and supporting technologies assets through identifying corporative risks and analyzing and establishing appropriate measures for their control.
Among the benefits of this standard implementation you can find the following:
- Save objectives of confidentiality, availability, integrity, authenticity and reliability of information.
- Contribution to safeguarding business continuity.
- Risk levels Management.
- Improve customer confidence.
- Prevent damage to the brand and loss of profits
At THINK&SELL we gear our work to transfer knowledge and skills to your staff to continuously serve to its purpose once it has completed the initial system implementation.
IT Services Management (ISO / IEC 20000-1)
IT Services Management applies to all services that cooperate to achieve the same quality according to the service levels agreed with the customer. They address the startup, design, organization, control, provision and improvement of IT services tailored to the needs of customers’ organization.
ISO / IEC 20000-1 establishes the requirements for an Services Management of Information Technology (SMIT), and its purpose is to promote the adoption of an integrated process to efficiently and effectively deliver managed services to meet business and customer requirements.
THINK&SELL helps departments focus on IT services and organizations that provide IT services to others to the definition, implementation and improvement of ISO / IEC 20000-1, by providing consultants and auditors with experience in the development, implementation and exploitation of IT services areas including experience in the enforcement of other management systems and process improvement frameworks such as ISO 90001, ISO 15504, CMMI, ITIL, COBIT, and others.
Risk Management (ISO 31000)
Risk management has a very wide application scope, for example, in projects management, or processes related to information, systems, software, and other organizations general processes. In addition, risk management is explicitly or implicitly covered on the standardized management systems requirements.
ISO 31000 sets out principles and guidelines for implementing the risk management process that typically includes the identification, analysis, evaluation and risks treatment associated to processes, functions, projects, products, services or assets, monitoring and review and recording information of the results.
THINK&SELL collaborates with customers to implement the Risk Management processes by identifying, analyzing, evaluating and recommending remedial actions especially in the field of Information Technologies organizations included in Software and Systems Engineering.
Documentation Management (ISO 30300)
The creation and documentation management is an integral part of organizations activities, processes and systems. Documentation management enables efficiency, accountability, risk management and business continuity. It also enables organizations to capitalize the value of its information resources and turning them into business and knowledge assets, contributing to the preservation of collective memory in response to global and digital environment challenges.
The Rules on management systems documentation, ISO 30300 series, are designed to help organizations of all types and sizes in the implementation, operation and improvement of an efficient document management system (DMS). The DMS provides the direction and control of the organization with the purpose of establish policy and objectives and its implementation.
THINK&SELL advises on the definition, introduction and improvement of document management systems to help implement the requirements according to ISO 30300 and use of:
- Guidelines for Records Management System Implementation (ISO 30302)
- Assessment Guide (ISO 30304).
Our work is focused on getting real competitive advantages for organizations, as well as preparing them to obtain the desired certifications.
THINK&SELL has consultants who are an active part in the Committee ISO / TC 176 and AENOR CTN 66 – Quality Management, in the committee ISO / IEC JTC1 SC7-Software and Systems Engineering and in the ISO GT13 Risk Management, in the development of some published standards and draft standards both national and international.